Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 1 - seriously? shine my sink?

Well according to Flylady's beginners babysteps today's task is just to shine my sink. I'll admit to being sceptical but as Flylady says "my home didn't get messy overnight, and won't get clean in a day" The whole point it to establish routines that you build on. Most experts agree that it takes about a month to establish a habit and I can see the logic in taking babysteps to get there. However, I'm not known for my patience. I tend to jump in and do everything full on.

So I decided if my only job today is to shine my sink I will do it the very best that I can. It didn't look too bad so I started by filling both the sink and a half with hot soapy water and leaving it for 10 mins. I emptied it out and scrubbed around. Pretty good, except for the plug and plug holes...eeugh! Seriously, what on earth has been going down there. My favourite mold and mildew spray next. A spritz all over and leave for 10 mins. When I came back there were silver shiny streaks all down my sink...what! Oh, no that's the colour it's supposed to be, the rest of it was actually what i refer to as tea stained silver. It only goes to show when you look at something often wnough you stop seeing it. Ok, toothbrush out, behind the taps, down the plug hole, scrubbing the plug, I can't believe how stained it actually it. Worse, there are paint splatters behind the taps and the kitchen was painted over a year ago. I have just the tool! My mum (in an attempt to make me a better housewife) bought me a load of cleaning tools and products. I confess to never having used most of them (does anybody know what soda cyrstals are for?) but there was a small scraper with a sharp, flat blade that took the paint off in a jiffy.

I had to give it a couple of goes with the mold and mildew remover and a few vigorous scrubbings but eventually the sink was all the same shade of silver. Sparkly silver. I did in fact feel a small sense of pride and gave my beautiful sink a light misting of windex and a gentle massage with a chamois leather to bring out her twinkle. I guess I fell foul of the perfectionist tendancy as when I looked I'd spent half an hour on the sink. I try to justify this by telling myself that I'll only need to do this once, after this it'll just be maintenance. My sink looked so pretty I overstepped the make and had a quick wipe round of the kitchen and place some flowers on the windowsill to show her off to her best advantage. I was like a pushy mum presenting her child at a pageant! When I figure out my camera I will add some pictures.

So proud of my sink was I that I spent the rest of the day patrolling it like a guard dog. NOTHING was to go in there. Half finished cups of tea were uncermoniously dumped on the lawn (isn't tea good for it?) I even contemplated rinsing the dinner plates under the outside tap until DH (darling husband) reigned me in. Still I was proud of my sink and made sure to wipe her down and tuck her in nicely before I retired to bed. Tomorrow I face and even bigger challenge - getting dressed to shoes. Its not the getting dressed that worries me but I may have to dig around at the bottom of a few drawers to find some make-up.

Night night all x

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